INVITATION TO VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS 🌟 We are delighted to announce our virtual workshops on the 8th (English), 9th (German), and 10th (Romanian) of October at 13.00-15.00 CEST respectively 🗺️ together with our partners CPIP Romania – Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente, Daiana Huber, Andrada Safta, Alexandru Ursulescu & Rhianon Williams 🥳 Please find the event […]

Penal Reform International News

Global Prison Trends Report Penal Reform International is a unique organization that, with its expertise and insights, publishes the annual #GlobalPrisonTrends report 🌍🌎 Here are some key facts from the newly released report: 🌀 Worldwide, 11.5 million people are incarcerated.📈 Only 30% of prisons operate within their capacity, meaning over 2/3 of prisons are OVERCROWDED.🚺 […]

PRISGRADS In-Person Workshop

PRISGRADS In-Person Workshop: Prison Staff Recruitment, Training, and Professional Development We are excited to announce that the PRISGRADS In-Person Workshop on prison staff recruitment, training, and professional development will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 12th to 14th November 2024. days until the In-Person Workshop The workshop has unfortunately already ended, but don’t worry – we’re […]

PRISGRADS Country Workshops

Upcoming PRISGRADS Country Workshops: Engaging Higher Education Graduates in the Prison Service Dates & Languages: 8th October (English) 9th October (German) 10th October (Romanian) Time: 13:00 – 15:00 CEST Format: Online   ENG: GER: ROM:   To stay up-to-date:  Contact: or visit our Contact Page Dates & Languages: 8th October (English) 9th October (German) 10th October (Romanian) Time: 13:00 – […]

Launch Best Practice Series

LinkedIn: 21.08.2024 👋 Schönen Mittwoch // Happy Wednesday 👋 🇦🇹 ➡ Richtungswechsel startet eine Best-Practice-Reihe 🚀 😮 Die Reihe wird euch herausragende Initiativen zur (Re)Sozialisierung inhaftierter Menschen vorstellen. Jede Woche stellen wir inspirierende Beispiele aus den Bereichen Personalwesen, Bildung, Anstaltskultur, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und MEHR aus der ganzen Welt vor! 🔎 Indem wir unsere Resoziailisierungsmaßnahmen auf […]