On June 14th, 2024, the justice ministers of the 27 EU countries unanimously expressed their support for the use of detention houses. They did so by adopting the Council conclusions on small-scale detention facilities, thus urging all member states to consider the use of small-scale detention facilities, including detention houses, for detention purposes where appropriate. The RESCALED movement, a leading advocate for the use of detention houses in Europe, welcomes the adoption of these Council conclusions as they represent a significant step towards a more sustainable justice system and a greener, fairer, and more inclusive future.

We are proud to co-host an international youth detention conference in collaboration with the Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft Salzburg (Children and Youth Advocacy, Kija) and RESCALED, the European movement for detention houses:

Youth Detention Conference – The RESCALED Model

Together, we are setting a mark for forward-thinking approaches in youth criminal justice.

Learn more about it here.

What is the RESCALED movement?

The RESCALED movement is a European movement advocating for smaller, more localized, and community-based detention houses instead of traditional prisons. Many of today’s prisons in Europe are outdated, as they were built for a different purpose in a different era. When new prisons are constructed, the past is often repeated. These old prisons or new prisons with old designs often make it difficult to implement the current European penal practices. RESCALED believes that it will be easier to apply the laws and principles of European penal systems in practice with detention houses. In a small-scale structure, it is easier for incarcerated individuals to build trust, make decisions, and take responsibility, which is a prerequisite for daily life in the 21st century. Through separate structures, incarcerated individuals will serve their sentences at the appropriate security level and receive the support they need, making them better prepared for their release. Through a structure that promotes integration into the community, incarcerated individuals can remain connected to community life.

RESCALED already has a number of good examples of small-scale, separate, and community-integrated detention houses across Europe.

On June 11th, 2024, the RESCALED General Assembly also welcomed ten new members. The European movement for detention houses now includes seventeen European countries, including Austria, represented by RICHTUNGSWECHSEL.


How do RICHTUNGSWECHSEL and RESCALED work together?

RICHTUNGSWECHSEL is a non-profit organisation that supports the European penal system, particularly through vocational training and knowledge exchange for prison staff, and advocates for personnel issues within the RESCALED movement.

Prison officers, along with social workers, psychologists, teachers, chaplains, and other essential prison staff, are in close daily contact with incarcerated individuals and have the opportunity to support them in their social (re-)integration efforts. It is internationally proven that through dedicated support and professional contact with prison officers, the bridge between incarcerated individuals and society is strengthened, thereby promoting social (re)integration.

When officers use their authority well, legitimately and carefully, every outcome is improved:

suicide, disorder, violence, political charge, and even prisoner’s future.” 

– Professor Alison Liebling

However, the essential tasks of prison staff are not widely recognised in society, and the resulting personnel shortages combined with the problem of overcrowding are additional obstacles to the successful fulfilment of their duties. These issues manifest in a staffing crisis that many correctional systems in Europe and worldwide are currently facing.

RICHTUNGSWECHSEL also stands for social responsibility by advocating for the social (re)integration of incarcerated individuals in the penal system through public outreach and multidisciplinary collaboration. Our goal is to create societal awareness of the importance of social (re)integration and the vital work of prison staff and think holistically about our community efforts.

RESCALED Updates: News and Insights



Youth Custody Conference – The RESCALED Model

🚨 Big News! 🚨
Mark your calendars – on May 22, 2025, we are hosting an international conference in Salzburg, Austria to discuss and promote benefits of Small-Scale Detention Houses in the Austrian correctional system, with a special focus on YOUTH.

These community-integrated detention houses, inspired by the RESCALED European movement, offer a social (re)integration-oriented alternative to traditional prisons. Countries like Germany have already demonstrated significantly lower recidivism rates through this approach, as seen in successful projects like Seehaus e.V. Leonberg or Leipzig’s youth programs.

👉 Why you should join:
Be part of a groundbreaking discussion on the future of youth justice and innovative detention solutions in Austria.

📌 Details to come:
Exact Location
Speakers & Panelists

Stay tuned for more updates, but for now… SAVE THE DATE: May 22, 2025!

🙌 Join us in shaping a more humane and effective justice system.
Let’s make a change – together! 💬

Visit to the Forensic Therapeutic Center in Vienna-Favoriten

✨Visit to the Forensic Therapeutic Center in Vienna-Favoriten✨

Today, we had the opportunity to enjoy a fascinating tour of the Forensic Therapeutic Center in Vienna-Favoriten – A perfect wrap up for our workshop!

We are sincerely grateful for the invitation and the warm hospitality Mag. Dr. MSc Tröster-Stögerer ! 🙏 The tour was incredibly informative, and our workshop guests from Austria, Belgium, Czechia and Slovakia were equally excited about this special visit.

We truly appreciated the time the team took to answer our many questions in detail. It was a valuable and enriching experience – thank you for this wonderful opportunity and your valuable work! 🤝✨

Small Scale Detention Workshop in Vienna 

Instagram 14.01.2025

🏠Small Scale Detention Workshop in Vienna 🏠

Today, we hosted a workshop dedicated entirely to Small Scale Detention Houses 🏠 – an alternative form of detention.

Our partner organizations from Austria, Czechia, and Slovakia traveled to Vienna to work closely with us on potential future project ideas. In addition to exchanging updates on Rescaled and current projects, we focused primarily on brainstorming future initiatives to advance this concept across Europe.

A big thank you to our partners for their valuable input and constructive collaboration:
🇨🇿 University of West Bohemia and other various research institutes and universities
🇨🇿 Rubikon Centrum
🇸🇰 Edukos
🇪🇺 Rescaled Europe

We look forward to further developing concrete project ideas together! 💡🤝🌱

What is the RESCALED Movement ?

❓What is the RESCALED Movement❓

In Europe, 1.5 million people are in prison seperated from society while expected to prepare for their return. This paradoxical approach—separating people to reintegrate them—has persisted for over 200 years, despite its ineffectiveness. 🚫🕰️ RESCALED is challenging this outdated concept. 💡✨

Instead of traditional prisons, RESCALED advocates for detention houses: small-scale 🏡, differentiated 🛠️, and community-integrated 🤝 facilities. These modern alternatives contribute to safer, more inclusive societies 🌍💚 by keeping individuals connected to their communities.

Excitingly, the UN Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 57/9 on October 9, 2024, urging states to prioritize social reintegration. 🌟 The resolution supports non-custodial measures ✅ and small-scale detention 🏠, emphasizing community-based solutions for successful re-entry into society. 🎯
You can read more about that here:

This is a step forward for human rights and dignity! ✊❤️

Please tell us what you think about the Rescaled Movement!

And also have a look at this Youtube Video about Rescaled: https://lnkd.in/dVt6yizK

Hashtagsmalldetentionhouses Hashtagchange Hashtagjustice Hashtagpeoplefirst HashtagRICHTUNGSWECHSEL

Teaser Alert RESCALED

🚀 Teaser Alert! 🚀

Bald gibt es spannende Neuigkeiten zu RESCALED in Österreich! 🇦🇹 Bleibt dran – mehr Infos folgen bald! 😉

✨ Was ist RESCALED?
RESCALED ist eine europäische Bewegung, die sich für kleine, gemeindebasierte Hafthäuser als Alternative zu traditionellen Haftanstalten einsetzt. Die meisten europäischen Haftanstalten sind veraltet und behindern die Umsetzung moderner Strafvollzugspraxis. RESCALED zeigt, dass kleinere Strukturen Vertrauen, Entscheidungsfähigkeit und Verantwortung fördern – Fähigkeiten, die im 21. Jahrhundert unverzichtbar sind. 🏠🌱

Bleibt gespannt und folgt uns für mehr Infos! 🙌💬

🚀 Teaser Alert! 🚀

Exciting news regarding RESCALED in Austria! 🇦🇹 Stay tuned for more updates! 😉

✨ What is RESCALED?
RESCALED is a European movement advocating for small, community-based detention houses as alternatives to traditional prisons. Most European prisons are outdated, hindering the application of modern correctional practices. RESCALED shows that smaller facilities help build trust, decision-making, and responsibility – key skills for the 21st century. 🏠🌱

Stay tuned and follow us for more updates! 🙌💬

#Richtungswechsel #RESCALED #ChangeIsComing #StayTuned 🚀✨


Becoming a RESCALED member

🎉 🇩🇪Vor etwas über einem Monat wurden wir offizielles @rescaled_movement Mitglied 🎉

🎉 🇬🇧Just over a month ago we became an official @rescaled_movement Member 🎉

Juni Rückblick (1) – RESCALED Generalversammlung & @rubikoncentrum Gartenparty im Kotlaska Community Centrum (🇬🇧 below)

🌏Am 11. Juni begrüßte die Generalversammlung von RESCALED zehn neue Mitglieder. Die Europäische Bewegung für Hafthäuser umfasst nun siebzehn europäische Länder – darunter auch Österreich, vertreten durch @richtungswechsel.at 🇦🇹

🌳 🪴 Davor gab es einen Willkommensabend im @zahradakotlaska Community Center und Garten. Kotlaska ist ein Ort für Integration und ehemalig inhaftierte Personen helfen dabei den Garten und den Standort zu erhalten und zu pflegen.

Wir sind sehr dankbar Teil von dieser wachsenden Bewegung zu sein 💫 Unsere geteilte Vision sind inklusive, sichere und nachhaltige Gesellschaften für alle. Eine Vision, welche wir unter anderem durch die Unterstützung der Nutzung von Hafthäusern anstelle großer Gefängniseinrichtungen verwirklichen wollen. 🏠


🌏 On June 11, the General Assembly of RESCALED welcomed 10 new members. The European Movement for Detention Houses now includes seventeen European countries – one of them being Austria, represented by Richtungswechsel – AT. 🇦🇹

🌳 🪴 Before the General Assembly, we participated in a welcoming evening at the @zahradakotlaska Community Center and Garden. Since 2017, Kotlaska has been a green oasis in the beautiful city of Prague, where people can garden together. Kotlaska is also a place for integration, where formerly incarcerated individuals help maintain and care for the garden and the facilities. Thank you to our hosts @rubikoncentrum – @jana_smiggels@marekdemner @jandrtina81

We are very grateful for this wonderful time and are excited to be part of this growing movement 💫 Our shared vision are inclusive, safe, and sustainable societies for all. A vision we aim to realise, among other ways, by supporting the use of detention houses instead of large prison institutions. 🏠

We cannot wait to see where this path will take us and our new colleagues & friend 👥👥👥